React Invariant Violation / Minified Exception on iOS 8 with Webpack + Babel


Check out this gist to see the bug.

I ran into a head-scratcher over the weekend that I needed document, because I spent a few more hours than I wanted to trying to see why a deployed project wasn’t working at all on iOS 8.4.

My project is using react, webpack, and babel. One of the babel plugins I’m using is babel-plugin-transform-react-inline-elements which transforms react elements to increase performance in production.

I’m also using the babel-polyfill (which includes the core-js shim) to polyfill some features like Symbols.

The project was working fine locally on iOS 8, but when deployed I was getting an error from react.

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Over the course of ~36 hours last weekend greenkeeper notified me of two of my projects where the build was broken by minor updates to tools…

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npm@3: What Ends Up at the Top of node_modules with Conflicting Dependencies?

npm@3 has been stable for a few months now and one the big changes was the new flat(ter) directory structure inside node_modules. This blog post has a good writeup of why that’s a good thing.

You’ll notice that I said “flat(ter)” above. If two modules in your project have conflicting dependencies, then one of those will end up on the top level of node_modules and the other will be nested inside its parent’s node_modules directory. This got me to wondering, which ones ends up on the top level?

I was wondering this because of a discussion on the eslint issue tracker about if the new directory structure will allow you to require a nested dependency now that it is at the top level of node_modules. As the linked comment pointed out, it will let you, but that doesn’t mean you should do it. If you did depend on this functionality, you would be requiring a module without any guarantee of what version you would be getting back.

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Secret Santa over SMS with Twilio

Update 11/29/21

This project is still alive but the instructions in this blog post are out of date. Visit the GitHub repo for the latest instructions on how to run it.


Use this code to pick Secret Santas over SMS with Twilio.

My family does a sibling Secret Santa (plus spouses) every year. We live in a few different cities, and we forgot to do it on Thanksgiving so we were out of luck as far as picking in person. My sisters know what I do for a living so they joked over text that I should “write a code”. (Software is truly eating the world.)

I knew there were services out there to do remote Secret Santa, but they were all over email. I knew everyone’s phone number and I knew that they would check their texts far more often than their email, so I really wanted something to deliver the recipients over SMS.

I found a Ruby script out there to do the same thing, but I wanted some additional logic and its been a few years since I wrote Ruby, plus I’ve always wanted to play around with Twilio. Sounds like a recipe for a nice Saturday project.

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ES6 Arrow Function Stack Traces

Since I started writing ES6, I’ve adopted the functions without function approach and have quite liked it.

I’m not going to get into every reason why, but that post does a good job of echoing my thoughts on it. I’m not going so far as to say “never”, but I don’t think I’ve found the need to type the word function even once since I started writing ES6.

I have always wondered about stack traces when using arrow functions though.

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