Deploy a static subdirectory to GitHub pages

Update 8 Feb 2015

I came back to some projects after many months where I had used this method, and I was running into errors complaining about COMMIT_SHA is not an ancestor of commit when running the git subtree split command. I did some more research and found what I think is a superior method in the form of this shell script. The new method also allows the build directory to not be checked in to the git repository which I think keeps things cleaner.

So I packaged the shell script as an npm module so it can be installed to devDependencies and used it the same way as the previous method.

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Finding All Your npm v0 Packages


Find all your v0 npm packages.

Lately, there has been some Twitter conversations about semver and v1. Here are some tweets from @izs whose opinion I trust when it comes to matters of packages and versioning.

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Beep Boop: Ringing an R2D2 Telephone with Obihai, Asterisk, and Node

the R2D2 phone

I got this R2D2 telephone as a gift when I was in 6th grade(-ish). I used it in my room as a real telephone as a teenager, even though the handset was the most uncomfortable and least ergonomic handset imaginable. The ringer is the iconic R2D2 noise which will never stop being epic to me (maybe this is just because my name is Luke). In short, I love this phone.

The problem is I haven’t used a hard phone in years, so it’s been sitting on my desk as a piece of art. I’ve always planned on finding a better use for the talented droid, but never got around to it.

Then I saw this Twilio post about setting up a hard phone powered by their service. Even though I didn’t want a hard phone (or to use Twilio), I still loved the hack. And then it dawned on me, I CAN JUST MAKE THIS PHONE RING. I thought it would be amazing to use the R2D2 ringer as a notifcation for events on my computer. And it was.

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Symbolset and Bootstrap 3 Buttons

I’ve been using both Bootstrap 3 and Symbolset icons on a project, and I noticed the when using the icons inside buttons there are two…

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Tweet Your Bracket: What the Heck?

For the past two years, I’ve run a small project called Tweet Your Bracket. It started out as (and still is) just a crazy idea that I was passion about, so I did what I usually do in that scenario: quickly write some (messy) code.

The original (semi-)techincal write-up is over on the TagSoup blog and all of the original code was committed to this gist.

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